EternalEnvy Exposes Sunsfan Hate Group
— November 8, 2015BREAKING: Team Secret carry player Jacky “EternaLEnVy” Mao has revealed the existence of an international criminal conspiracy bent on destroying the property of Shannon “SUNSfan” Scotten, the creator and voice of the “Introduction to” series for Dota 2 heroes, the host and producer for DotaCinema’s “Top Plays Weekly,” the main host for DotaCinema’s “Fails of the Week,” and the founder of DotaCinema’s Captain’s Draft Tournament.
The anti-Sunsfan conspiracy — in which YouTube highlight maker and IP rights violator Noobfromua was not involved — was allegedly masterminded by Cloud 9 player and fellow anime devotee Ravindu “Ritsu” Kodippili, making the betrayal doubly heinous for Mao.
“Ritsu betraying the sacred trust is like Aizen Sosuke stealing the Hogyoku from Soul Society,” said Mao. “But he was unable to keep this secret from me, as I am the Dota 2 professional scene’s equivalent to Neuro Nogami, an underworld demon detective who eats mysteries.”
Mao added, “Or maybe his betrayal is like Anthy Himemiya stabbing Utena in the back with a replay-shaped knife.”
Kodippili allegedly typed in a Skype chat that he wanted others to “Keep this group updated so they don’t go to Summit.” He also suggested that Sunsfan’s team’s manager exchanged sexual favors for qualifier slots and approved of co-conspirator Mason “Mason” Venne’s renaming of the group to “Digital Cholos Rebellion,” a derogatory term for lower class Mexican immigrants in the United States despite none of Sunsfan’s players being Latino.
Sources say Kodippili deleted his social media and has resorted to hiding in the wooded area behind his house, but likely will be found and excommunicated by Jacky Mao himself, who has personally stated he will not allow Kodippili’s spirit to ascend through any level of heavens.
Fortunately for SUNSfan, the team that he owns nevertheless managed to qualify for Beyond the Summit’s “The Summit 4” tournament in December. It is not yet known why this specific set of former and current professional Dota 2 players were so intent on keeping any sort of Sunsfan-owned chattel from being present at The Summit.