Cloud 9 Fails to Overshadow ESWC Event Issues
— July 13, 2015Electronic Sports World Cup officials were left disappointed after Cloud 9 failed to defeat Natus Vincere in a close three game finals. ESWC had hoped an exciting breakthrough victory for the North American team could help overshadow the tournament’s numerous operational problems.
“Unfortunately, thanks to North America’s lack of CSGO skill, our event’s issues will not be able to be swept under the rug,” said ESWC tournament director Sylvain Maillard, who may be referring to the event’s power outages, massive delays, hardware instability, equipment malfunctions, or other complications. “Cloud 9 really dropped the ball.”
After watching Na`Vi clutch out the final rounds on Overpass, Maillard suggested that Cloud 9 should consider practicing more, as many of the problems encountered by the team were “able to be foreseen” and “easily preventable.”
“On behalf of Cloud 9, I apologize to ESWC and to their staff,” said Cloud 9 player and whey protein advocate Ryan “FREAKAZ0ID” Abadir. “Next time, I promise we’ll play so well fans won’t even remember that one of the quarterfinals took six hours.”
Another ESWC official commented that if Cloud 9 continues to be consistently unprepared for big events, it could start to lose the support and trust of the community, which “deserves better” from the organization.
“ESWC has learned a lot from this event,” added the official. “Next time we will consider making the final best-of-five.”
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