Toxic Players Receive Meaningful Punishment, League Community Outraged
— August 21, 2015Riot’s Jeffrey “Lyte” Lin has recently revealed yet another prong in his anti-toxicity trident, announcing that “players who have been Chat Restricted, Ranked Restricted or Game Banned during the 2015 Season will not receive Season Rewards in Ranked.” This new, meaningful punishment for toxic players has sparked a fresh round of outrage and confusion on the part of the League of Legends community, establishing a link between behaviour and consequences.
“When Voyboy works to raise suicide awareness, he gets twelve thousand dollars and hailed as a hero,” commented /u/Hunter_S_Machete bitterly. “But when I pay $12,000 to hire several people to personally make my jungler aware of suicide, I’m ‘toxic,’ banned from competitive play, and even ‘detained’ by ‘police.’”
“Really, I’m the real victim of toxicity when I play League,” said CanaanBarrage, tears streaming down his face. “I mean, yes, I called my mid a Jewess and then encouraged her to go back to the desert her people wandered for forty years. Sure, that was my bad. But they wouldn’t gank my lane. What was I supposed to do?”
Players are considering ways to let Riot know they feel that this policy is unacceptable, including:
• Angry Reddit posts
• Taking screenshots of themselves uninstalling League
• Muttering furiously about how they might give DOTA a shot, I don’t know, have you seen The International? I guess that was pretty cool…
• Openly crying, pounding the floor with their fists, calling for parental units
• Feverishly sweating after realizing that they can’t just make a smurf to avoid punishment anymore
• In a last ditch, Hail Mary effort, changing their behaviour and becoming a positive community member
“What’s more bullshit is that sometimes that goddamn automatic chat restriction accidentally bans innocent people like me,” complained /u/notFORG1VEN. “What kind of fucking shit-faced asschuffer came up with this anus-blasted system?”
When asked for a counterpoint to the upheaval among players, RiotLyte responded with: “Oh, you’re crying? You’re crying? You know what, maybe I should be crying. Huh, you ever think of that?”
To remember this terrible travesty in human rights, an anonymous poet posted the following:
First they came for the people who used racial slurs, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not use racial slurs.
Then they came for the intentional feeders, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not an intentional feeder.
Then they came for the people who told people to kill themselves, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not tell people to kill themselves.
Then there was no one left to ruin my game.
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