Esports Express


In a brilliant final match, Team SoloMid was crowned winner of the EUKR LCS Playoffs after a nail-biting game against Cloud 9. The Korepean team beat out last season’s victors Cloud 9, a younger team composed of EUKR natives.

EUKR is named for its convenient location between Europe and Korea, although some natives prefer the quaint nickname “North America.” Traditionally, this region has been mocked by the rest of the world, but recent performance, like TSM’s hard-fought victory, has sent shockwaves throughout the community, causing other regions to simply look down upon it.

TSM’s victory was well-received by their fans. Immediately after their victory, the Twitch chat exploded with messages, with users spamming “hat TSM gerwonnened?” and “Scarra일죽여서Dyrus이가감옥에있다.” The fan bases grew significantly after the game, especially when offered to trade any Cloud 9 merchandise for a free TSM t-shirt.

Team SoloMid went through a lot of drama and hardship this year. Roster changes drew in massive criticism, especially when manager Andy “Reginald” Dinh replaced Alex “Xpecial” Chu with Nicolas “Gleeb” Haddad, rather than with another European player. However, recent performance has established TSM as a strong EUKR team, especially when they threw a Korean into supporting and another into coaching.

“TSM really is an exemplary example of how far NA have progressed since last season,” said top analyst Rivington “RivingtonThe3rd” Bisland III. “No other region in the League of Legends world can compete with NA’s ability to draft foreign players.”

“It’s amazing to think that 8 out of 15 of the NA finalists are not from NA,” added Rivington. “How did seven North Americans qualify?”

The EUKR region hopes for massive support at Worlds, and hundreds of EUKR fans are already planning their trips to Singapore and Taipei.

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