Esports Express

Study Shows that Insulting Mods Makes Information 95% Less Factual

A massive meta-study that analyzed nearly 9,500 scientific papers, encyclopedia entries, and newspaper articles has revealed that articles written by journalists who insult one or more moderators of /r/leagueoflegends is correlated with markedly-decreased factual validity and empirical value compared to information from mod-friendly writers.

The Subreddit is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very article. You can see its traffic when you watch a YouTube video or read an ESPORTS article. You can feel it when you solo queue, when you Tweet, when you buy more skins. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

You are a slave, Richard. Like everyone else you were upvoted into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

“When you compare banned material, like ‘Did Twitch actually buy a talent agency? Good Game highlights legal conundrums for esports,’ with unbanned material, like ‘What If the Wolf Spirit actually looked like a wolf?’ there is simply no comparison in terms of value to the community,” stated one /r/LoL mod. “Our careful moderation has ensured that we can emulate the success of major subreddits, like /r/funny, by not weighing ourselves down with information that requires processing or thinking.”

Examples of information that offends the mods include:

• Articles by Richard Lewis

I’m trying to free your mind, Richard. But I can only link you to the DailyDot. You’re the one that has to write for it.

How did I post that article and get those upvotes? Do you believe that posting content on The Subreddit has anything to do with relevance or being shadowbanned? Do you think those are real users who are upvoting now?

Fascinating enough, a later double-blind experiment showed that when insulting material was appended to already-written news articles, encyclopedia entries, and academic papers, the reality would actually warp itself to accommodate. This quantum effect is currently being studied to determine if it can control the perceptions of a massive population of people.

Because we have determined that our article offends the mods, making our information less accurate, we have updated our information in this article.

Click here to see updated information.
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