/r/leagueoflegends Unleashes Massive Protest of Riot Games
— April 10, 2015The League of Legends users of Reddit have initiated a massive, violent rebellion against their benevolent ruler, Riot Games, sources report. Led by foreign instigator /u/Brosephski — who was secretly shipped by train from /r/Dota2 — the protest has been rapidly escalating in weight and violence, with most extreme rebels filling out an unofficial survey, making text posts (which don’t even award karma!), and refusing to buy LoL skins unless they look really cool.
Riot Roadmap, robed in velvet and the finest of silks, emerged from the top of his tower of gold, ivory, and human bone to address the rampant crowd.
“Do not believe /u/Brosephski’s silver-tongued lies,” warned Roadmap to the furious crowd. “He wants you to boycott Riot for replays to finally come out — but I don’t see the communities for games like Dota 2, Starcraft 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Smite, and Wargame: Red Dragon demanding that their developers give them replays.
“Please! I know that you’re all seeing red,” Roadmap added, “but rest assured, you can also see blue and yellow for a very affordable 590 RP!”
Among the crowd was also /u/XJ9DidNothingWrong, a participant in the revolutionary Twitch boycott.
“Angry self-posts and passive-aggressive comments can enact change; just look at how we rebelled against Twitch!” he shouted. “All we have to to do is just [censored by EA] and [censored by IMAX].”
Some concerned /r/leagueoflegends users warned of the danger of using boycotting to get what the community wants.
“[Boycotting] would implement a negative relationship as we would essentially be dictating their actions for their need to make a profit,” cautioned /u/BadassGhost, “(which I may remind everyone that is a necessity for a Free-to-Play game).”
“Similarly, I refuse to boycott my favorite Italian restaurant, even though they gave food poisoning to me and my family multiple times,” added the hardcore phantom. “That would be dictating their actions for their need to make a profit. Plus, they give free breadsticks.”
Other users questioned the point of such a movement, wondering how it could possibly work out.
“Do you actually think the playerbase that uses Reddit is big enough to force Riot’s hand through a boycott?” rhetorically asked /u/TheN1temare, a member of the subreddit that outnumbers the State of Wyoming in population.
“If anything,” the user added, “I’d say /r/Dota2 is deluded if they think they can actually drive change, since so little of Valve’s money actually comes from them” — referring, of course, to the subreddit that led major changes in response to 2013’s Diretide fiasco, Techies Arcana sign, weather effects on the Compendium, and Volvo’s controversial new hatchbacks.
In response to signs that the LoL community may start posting angry news articles (which give karma) — or even actually boycott League of Legends — Riot plans to gift Bread Pantheon and Circus Braum, normally 1350 RP skins, for only 975 RP each.
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