ESEX Analysis: LCS Spring Split Week 2 and OGN Finals
— January 28, 2014Europe
[GMB vs. SK] Alex Ich, Diamond, and Edward All Call Mid
Conflict arose during the pick/ban phase of Gambit Gaming vs. SK Gaming when three members of Gambit all called mid at the same time. Despite the fact that Alex Ich is Gambit’s designated mid laner, jungler Diamondprox and support Edward instalocked Zed and Kennen respectively, claiming they were Diamond smurfs.
The situation was not helped by Genja raging about “no amumu and blitz bans.”
Meanwhile, SK Gaming had its own share of problems when Fredy122 and CandyPanda spent the entirety of champion select arguing over who would play ADC.
Additional Headlines:
● [ROC vs. SHC] New Pokémon “Mordekaiser” Discovered at Team Rocket’s Brazil Hideout
● Riot to Investigate Allegations of Alliance Use of “Shotcalling” in Week 2
● Interview with Team Roccat Consists of Nothing But “Kurwa”
● [GMB vs. ROC] Roccat’s Victory over Gambit Motivates Ukrainian Rioters
North America
Zuna Jungling Really Paying Off for XDG
NA analysts agree that Zuna playing jungle was the best possible decision that XDG could make, citing that Zuna’s massive champion pool and excellent mechanics make him a perfect fit to snowball his lanes to victory. They also concluded that it is impossible to, for example, ban out all of his comfort picks and reduce him to a non-factor in games.
When asked to comment, XDG manager replied, “Worth.”
[DIG vs. CLG] Dignitas Forgets to Ban Xerath, Nearly Costs Them Game
Even though “XERATH BAN” was written in their secret document, Dignitas failed to ban Xerath against CLG in their final match of the week, leading to chaotic panic among the teams’ members. Scarra was immediately heard shouting, “Oh my god.”
“We knew how potent and game-changing HotshotGG’s Xerath is, and that match was no exception,” said a furious Dignitas coach. “Hotshot could have completely wrecked our team.”
CLG was also furious that they forgot to ban Hotshot from playing Xerath.
Additional Headlines:
● [TSM vs. CLG] Link’s “Bot Lane Bush Ward” Strategy Fails to Pay Off
● Dexter Knew He Was Forgetting Something
● Dignitas Confused by Graphics Glitch; Purple Effect Seen Orbiting Champions
SKT Not Sure Why Scrimmage Against Ozone Was So Important
Sources say the members of SK Telecom T1 were perplexed as to why their practice games against Samsung Galaxy Ozone were so highly-anticipated by the League of Legends community. The top Korean team was also equally confused as to why their casual scrimmage would include a live audience, professional commentary, and even its own opening video.
All five members agreed that the awards ceremony and the ₩ 270 million cash prize was a little excessive for just a practice game.
“I wish that Ozone took the scrimmage more seriously,” said Faker. “I can’t wait to play in the OGN Finals.
Additional Headlines:
● Riot Already Inscribing “SK Telecom T1” onto Season 4 Trophy
● Mandu on Break; SKT T1 Plans to 4v5