Esports Express

Gambit Gaming “Dartboard” Strategy Paying Off

EU analysts agree that Gambit Gaming’s “Dartboard” plan has contributed significantly to its success in the League Championship Series Spring Split 2014. The strategy, in which the blindfolded members of Gambit throw darts on a wall to randomly generate champions and item builds, has ensured that Gambit remains an unpredictable, erratic force that neither their opponents nor members of Gambit themselves can understand.

“At first, I was hesitant about using a dartboard to choose my champions,” stated Gambit toplaner/second jungler Evgeny “Darien” Mazaev. “I was worried that I would get a champion that I couldn’t feed with.”

Luckily, due to the success of champions like AP Shyvana and Warwick, Darien has come to appreciate the merits of strategy. “Я обнаружил, что легче выиграть, если я не кормлю вражескую команду,” he added.

Despite the randomness and risk inherent in throwing darts, often the strategy has worked extremely well for the Russian League team, like when all five members of Gambit landed darts on Banshee’s Veil before their match against Fnatic. However, flaws began to show when an important dart landed on a target marked “Lose to Supa Hot Crew.”

Not all members of Gambit Gaming are in favor of the strategy. Edward “Edward” Abgaryan has admitted that his champion choices are unfortunately his own decisions. “The only reason I rejoined Gambit Gaming was so I could take Alex’s spot,” stated Edward. “They wanted to force me into the support role, but I play mid laners anyways.”

Although the “dartboard” strategy has been fairly successful for Gambit Gaming, other players like Alliance toplaner Mike “Wickd” Peterson have not found similar success.

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